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Focus On 3C Product SMD LED Lamp Beads

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Industry Information

What is a light emitting diode LED patch?

Source: Time:2019-12-05 16:06:01 views:

LED SMD LEDs: red, yellow, green, blue, etc., there are three types of packaging: 0805, 1206, 1210.

LED SMD LEDs: red, yellow, green, blue, etc., there are three types of packaging: 0805, 1206, 1210.

According to the color of the light-emitting tube, it can be divided into red, orange, green (also subdivided into yellow-green, standard green and pure green), blue light, white light and so on. In addition, some light-emitting diodes include chips of two or three colors.

The light emitting diodes of the above various colors can be further classified into colored and transparent, colorless and transparent, colored scattering, and colorless scattering according to whether the light emitting diode is doped with or without a scattering agent, colored or colorless. Diffuse light-emitting diodes are used as indicator lights.

In general, diode manufacturers use red, green and blue LED patch diode displays. As for the more used in lighting is white LED.

Light-emitting diodes packaged in surface-mount form. In order to install the light-emitting diode on a circuit board, the light-emitting diode needs to be packaged into a standard shape. Generally, there are two types: in-line and surface-mount.

The in-line type has been seen more often. There are two pins under a light bulb. Pass the pins through the through holes on the circuit board and solder to the other side to connect the circuit. But the in-line pads The requirements are relatively large, and the installation density is not high.

Nowadays, the more popular surface mount mounting technology, as long as two pads are installed on the surface of the circuit board, there is no need to punch holes, there are soldering positions on the back of the device, and the solder can be directly aligned, which greatly reduces the area of the circuit board, and can Devices are arranged on both sides. Because the shape is a rectangular piece, it is customary to refer to such packaged devices as LED chip components.

Most of the newly produced light-emitting diodes are surface-mounted packages. Although the volume is small, the brightness will be much brighter than the old in-line type due to the improved technology and the addition of microlenses. The first disadvantage is that because the volume is too small, manual welding may not be convenient. Common light-emitting diode LED patches include 0603 and 0805, which are 60mil * 30mil and 80mil * 50mil, respectively. Mil is an English unit, which is equivalent to one thousandth of an inch. When converted to metric, it is about 1.6mm * 0.8mm, 2.0mm. * 1.2mm, visible size is small.

What is a light emitting diode LED patch?

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